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Stephan D. Weiss Mental Health Award

With growing national concerns regarding the prevalence and complexity of mental and behavioral health issues among college students and the negative impact that these disorders have on the health and safety of higher education communities, student retention, student learning/academic progress and the human potential of students in higher education, the Weiss Fund is providing support for a grant offering through the auspices of the American College Health Foundation.

The Weiss Award is sponsored by the Stephan D. Weiss Foundation and the Weiss Fund of the American College Health Foundation. It is intended to encourage students to develop creative initiatives that will enhance mental health service delivery to students through innovative programs which can be replicated at other colleges or universities. The Award of $2500 annually will support program development than can demonstrate measurable success in student retention for those students whose mental health problems might otherwise compromise the quality of their college experience and jeopardize the likelihood of their graduation.

Through these programs, the Foundation strives to create opportunities for “at-risk” college students so that they will succeed in college, graduate, and lead successful personal lives as adults. The following areas illustrate student-based programs to be advanced by future funding opportunities.

  • Educational programs supporting student retention

  • Social and cultural programs that build self-confidence and awareness of life-enhancing opportunities

  • Personal growth programs to encourage productive adulthood

Funding Students

2015  Weiss Mental Health Award

Leslie Rith-Najarian, Project Director
University of California, Los Angeles

“The Happiness Challenge – Online Wellness Education Program”

Funding Students

2014 Weiss Mental Health Award

Jenna Shapiro, Project Manager

Loyola University-Chicago

“A Meta-Analytic Review of Outcome Research on Mental Health Promotion and Prevention Programs for At-Risk Higher Education Students”

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